How to add your steps to our Virtual Walk
We are walking -virtually- from St Michael’s Mount to Mont St Michel
Our virtual walking holiday is in full swing. So far, we have walked along the South Coast of the UK, from St Michael’s Mount near Land’s End in Cornwall, to Exeter in Devon.
Not signed up yet? Read this first!

You have signed up, are part of the Group, and you have joined the walk. How do you add your steps?
Because this walk is a virtual walk, you could, if you wanted to, take part in more than one walk at the same time. So you could walk around Paris with your lover, and also walk to Mont St Michel with friends.
That means, that if you have walked 10.000 steps today, you could ‘spend’ 5000 steps on the Mont St Michel walk, and 5000 steps on your Paris walk.
So, to add steps, we first ‘Add steps’ to our ‘Bank’, then ‘Spend Steps’ on the walk of our choosing.

Add steps
Once you click ‘Add steps’, you see the page as pictured below. You see the little arrow on the right? That is where you can choose the unit want to use to add your steps.

I love this option. My phone cannot count steps, but I can see how many kilometres or miles I cycled (or walked). My fancy pantsy watch can measure steps, but it doesn’t know how many kilometres I walked.
Now fill in the number of steps or miles or kilometres and click ‘add distance’
Spend steps
When you are in ‘My Walks’ you see the image below. Now click on Spend steps, and it will ask you where you want to spend your steps.

Slide the blue dot to the right, until you have captured all the steps you want to ‘spend’ on our walk. Then Click ‘spend distance on walk’, et voila! You did it! 😊
I know this seems long, but once you are part of the group and our walk, it really gets a lot easier. You only have to remember to ‘bank’ your steps, and to spend them on our walk!