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Fit with Parkinson's - Fit and Happy Outdoors

Fit with Parkinson’s

Mo 11 am - Zoom from home with Parkinson’s

We are currently on holiday. Our online sessions will resume on Monday 30 May 2022.
Hope to see you then!

Exercise can slow down the progression of Parkinson’s, and Covid 19 is no reason not to move! Join our fun Zoom class and stay fit and healthy.

Our ‘Nordic Neuro Magic’ course is a new exercise class designed for people in the early stage of Parkinson’s and their friends or partners, who can walk, are at a low risk of falls and have no major other health concerns.

Inspired by PD Warrior, we run espescially designed classes, in which normally combine Nordic Walking with exercises designed to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s. Our members love it, and we can really see the difference in the members who have been with us for a while!

Now we are all in Quarantine during the Covid 19 outbreak, we have adapted our normal classes to an interactive online session twice a week. so join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 11am for this fun and fast paced session.
If you have 1.5×1.5 meter space, a sturdy chair without arm rests and an internet connection, you are good to go.

It is sociable, fun, and keeps you in the best shape you can be, without ever leaving your home.

Be warned: Even though your results might feel like magic, key to the success of the programme is motivation to improve, AND the capacity and willingness to work hard.

The classes are based around 7 key principles:
o Powerful
o Complex
o Frequent
o High effort
o Meaningful in daily life
o Specific to symptoms
o Fun!

Once we can get back to Nordic Walking we will! So keep an eye out for our outdoor classes when quarantine time is over.

Nordic Walking has some very unique benefits for people with Parkinson’s:

  • When we propel ourselves forward with the poles, we strengthen our core and arm muscles as well as our bums and legs.
  • The poles help us with balance, and help take some weight of our joints;
  • The poles challenge our coordination, which is great for our brain health;
  • We use the features of the landscape and the poles to make sure we get our heart rates going;
  • You can use up to 40% more calories Nordic Walking compared to normal walking;
  • The poles give excellent feedback to our stride length and the amplitude of our arm swing;
  • The poles help us check our symmetry in stride and arm swing;
  • The poles help us keep our backs flexible and helps with trunk rotation;
  • You can walk while you talk, so you can socialise and help keep each other motivated;
  • The outdoors really helps with our wellbeing and relaxation; Our guarantee: No shouting instructor, but lots of fun and laughter. Your walk will feel like your weekly dose of sunshine, no matter the weather!

How to sign up for this session

New to Fit and Happy Outdoors? Please fill in the registration and health questionaire, which you can find here and email them to at least 24 hours before the session you would like to join. That will give us enough time to get back to you and discuss your needs.

We will then send you a link to our Zoom meeting. Cost: £150 per 10 sessions or £90 per month. This includes participation for yourself as well as any family members.

Exercise class for people with Parkinson’s via Zoom, Inspired by PD Warrior and LSVB big, designed to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s.

Every Tuesday and Thursday 11 am

This class is specifically designed for people with Parkinson’s, but feel free to contact me to discuss if it could suit you if you have had a stroke, MS, or suffer with other Neurological issues

What you need:

• ca 1.5×1.5 meter space to move around.
• tablet, laptop or computer screen with internet connection
• two waterbottles, cans or small hand weights
• a straight kitchen or dining room chair without armrests.


Use your 10 session card for £15 per session, or £90 per month for unlimited sessions if paid monthly in advance. This includes non-neuro classes too (Pay for one, and let your partner or housemates take part for free)

How to join:

Send an email to and I will send you an access link to Zoom for this class.
You can also use this contact form:

Please complete to join a taster session

Pay What Works:

The price shown above is the “true” value of the session that best reflects the work I put into preparing and leading your session. However, I understand that not everyone can afford to pay full price, and I don’t want that to stop you from joining us.

In an effort to find a balance between more financial accessibility and sustainable pricing, I now offer a “Pay What Works” model. This allows for financial flexibility while still valuing and respecting the work and energy I provide in creating and delivering these classes.

Then send an email to with the heading “INVOICE please”- followed by “FAHO 1” to pay full price as quoted below, “FAHO 2”, for 20% off, or “FAHO 3” for 50% off.