Missed Clare Balding’s ramblings broadcast about her Nordic Walking experience with a group in Nottingham? Read on and listen to it here! Clare takes a lesson in Nordic Walking as she joins coach Catherine Hughes in one of her classes in Bramcote Park in Nottingham. Some of those who regularly attend, are a group of mothers with their daughters, all of whom have learning difficulties. Nordic walking has proved to…Keep Reading
Exercise: A drug-free approach to lowering high blood pressure. Having high blood pressure and not getting enough exercise are closely related. Discover how small changes in your daily routine can make a big difference. Your risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) increases with age, but exercise can make a big difference. And if your blood pressure is already high, exercise can help you control it. Don’t think you’ve got to…Keep Reading
More and more evidence is showing that sitting for long stretches at a time is not very healthy, to say the least. Sitting for long periods increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and death, researchers suggest. And scientists from Leicester and Loughborough Universities say harm is done even if people exercise the recommended 30 minutes a day. One journalist from the Independent…Keep Reading
How often do you tell yourself you should do more exercise? And how often have you decided to lose weight, only to crumble at 4 in the afternoon with a big bag of crisps or a donut? We often feel so bad about ourselves. We beat ourselves up because we didn’t call our parents, or because we didn’t do our work right, or…Keep Reading
Here are some of our top tips to help you get the most from your walks, and to walk your way to weighloss… Move more, eat wisely Taking part in a weekly Walking class or Workout Walk is a great way to remind you of your fitness goals too, and how much fun…Keep Reading
Fit and Happy Outdoors member John told me today that he has lost 15 kilo’s since he started Nordic Walking in February. That is almost 3 kilo’s per month! John is sure he could not have done it without his regular Nordic walks. His journey hasn’t always been easy. Before John started Nordic Walking, first his own and later his partner’s health problems had forced him to be quite inactive…Keep Reading
As a child, we learn to let our eyes, ears, muscles, brain, and nerves work together to keep us upright and steady on our feet. But with age, these balancing skills can become less dependable, especially if you don’t use them regularly. According to Age UK, About one-third of people over 65 will fall in a year. And balance is not only important as you get older: falls represent over…Keep Reading
Have a sore knee, ankle or hip? Worried if you can do Nordic Walking? You might find Nordic Walking will help alleviate your symptoms! Knee pain has a number of different causes. There are many things you can do to help knee pain, whether it’s due to a recent injury or arthritis you’ve had for years. According to Arthritis UK, low impact exercise and keeping to a healthy weight can…Keep Reading
There is plenty of research supporting the thought that gratitude can really help you to achieve more happiness. In one particular study, a group of participants was asked to write down five things that generated gratefulness once a week for ten weeks. In the other control groups, participants were asked to list five hassles or major events that occurred that past week. The…Keep Reading
Have you made a New Year’s resolution this year? Every year millions of people make resolutions yet almost 80% of us fail to achieve them. Most of us strive for unrealistic goals and ultimately set ourselves up for a failure. Here are 5 easy ways that can help you make those changes last: Find other people who are making the same changes in…Keep Reading
Did your year start off with a bang? Mine certainly did! “Happy New Year!” we shouted while we shot a champagne cork at the fireworks above our heads. The water below us coloured bright red and yellow, reflecting the spectacle above our heads. We could feel the sound of the big bangs vibrating in the water while we paddled up to each other for a New Year’s hug. What a…Keep Reading
Postmenopausal women who walk regularly have less chance of getting breast cancer, scientists have found. In a study of more than 70,000 women, researchers from the American Cancer Society found that those who walked for more than seven hours a week had a quarter less risk of getting breast cancer compared to women who did hardly any exercise. The research, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, used…Keep Reading